Sunday, December 6, 2009

Slice correction Part 2

Again, this is written from a right handed perspective. If you are left handed, every time you see "right" do that with your left hand, arm, or leg as the tip indicates.

After you have made good progress with the previous tip, now it is time to focus on the fore arms on the downswing. As your arms are about 1/2 way down into the downswing,
your right elbow should be close to your right side at or slightly above the right hip bone. At this point, you must start rotating your right for arm wrists and hands
over the left fore arm wrists and hands. Practice this motion slowly at first without a golf ball. Then start practicing this with golf balls. The flight of the ball will give you your feedback. If the ball is moving left to right in the air, your clubface is open at impact (facing to the right of the path of the clubhead). A very good drill to help you get comfortable with this rotation of your forearms, wrists and hands is to keep your knees in there normal flexed position and hold the club straight out in front of you about waist high, shaft parallel to the ground. Practice the rotation slowly at first focusing on the right hand, wrists and forearms passing the left before the clubhead returns to the spot it started from. Practice things tips slowly and relaxed until you start seeing the ball flight go straight or right to left. Then you can start picking up your swing speed gradually.

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